Texas Flood second edition
The reference for this pedal is Stevie's first album “Texas Flood”, which offers the ultimate blues tone. The magic of Stevie Ray Vaughan's sound is that he has good sustain despite his (relatively) clean sound. The TEXAS FLOOD also offers this characteristics. Distortion is not perceived as such. The result is a sweet, singing tone that leaves every player and listener in raptures. The playing feel is at least as important. You don't have to fight for the tone. The response of the pedal supports the player in a pleasant way. It has an inspiring and uplifting effect. The only requirement for this is to connect the pedal in front of a clean amp. The TEXAS FLOOD sounds and reacts like a good tube amp. The volume control on the guitar can be used without any loss of treble or dynamics. Another highlight of the TEXAS FLOOD is that the controls are already set in such a way that they can still be turned comfortably, but unintentional adjustment is impossible.
Customer reviews
"Thank you so much for the excellent communication, service and Rocket Fast Shipping!! The pedal is PHENOMENAL!! I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am. The tone, multiple adjustments, quality of built etc. is just superior to any Boss etc pedal. I have given your info to several of my friends who I believe most likely will purchase one as well. Thank you again for everything. I will keep monitoring your website for new products."
"man,the pedal is amazing. I'm so happy with it!"
"Absolutely convincing pedal! Got actually this SRV edge, this bell-like, slightly glassy sound that you can't describe easily. Sounds good on its own with low volume in the living room, but also very good playes loudly and in a blues band context. Also works superb behind a TS. In comparison, it is noticeable that other pedals sound less lively and direct. Absolutely recommendation!!!!"
"Just letting you know. Oh yes, it is friggin' fantastic! Very happy with it! Many thanks!"
"Stefan, this pedal is magical. I've spent way too much looking for the right drive and this is it. Thank you for your hard work.
Stevie Ray Vaughan earned the 'Texas phenom' moniker in 1983 when the album Texas Flood was released. Sticking to that rich history, Stefan created a phenomenal pedal when he created the Texas Flood SE. The upper limit of the gain is higher than its predecessor but never muddy, always clear, dynamic, and most importantly, musical. It can do everything from 'Lenny' to 'Texas Flood,' even crossing over into creamy, smooth John Mayer tones. Higher gain gets you into that vintage rock/southern rock world. Single coils sound magical through it, but it also takes humbuckers well. I've searched high and low for the right drive for my style to accompany my D-style modded Hot Rod Deluxe, and I finally found a unique circuit that maintains the players' touch while ever-so-gently getting that natural tube-driven vibe. It's been hard to put the guitar down since receiving it. Thank you for creating this pedal with care and mindfulness - it's truly amazing. I wish you and yours a merry Christmas!"
"I've been playing your Texas Flood pedal for more than two years. I am a huge fan of it!!! I use it on two different boards. I own a lot of overdrive and boost pedals. I'm not as happy with any of them as I am with yours!"
"Received pedal many thanks… just tried it…it made the two old digital practice amps sound incredible…. The demos on YouTube do not do justice it, it sounds much better.
I normally use a Keeley moded 808 after a Silver Archer (klon style). I am now re thinking the stacking order…. I can’t wait to get this home next week and try it on the Fender valve amps and use it live
Many thanks."
"The Texas Flood pedal is the absolute perfection for that SRV live sound! It's almost a combo of the Vibroverb and the Dumble together. Right now, I can run the pedal by itself for verse/chorus and then during the lead I add the Tube Screamer and it's perfect! Thanks so much!"
"Hi Stefan, thanks again for the fast shipping of the Texas Flood pedal. I have to say, I am absolutely overwhelmed. The pedal is made absolutely first-class and plays quite easy in the league of much larger manufacturers, such as Fulltone or Elektro Harmonix. You can hear and feel immediately that you worked here with a lot of passion and know-how. Absolutely genius are the controls. Everything feels high quality and durable. Played in front of a Fender Deluxe Reverb, with Fender Strat, Texas Specials, I get the three-dimensional, clean but slightly overdriven Strat sound, for which SRV has become so famous. The fundamental tone of the Fender amp is not changed at all. You have more attack and pressure, it smacks, sings and rings, the low E string responses, as if you have turned up the amp fully. At the same time the amp greatly reacts to the attack. Softly hit, clean and hard hit, with clear overdrive. You always have the feeling that you are not using a pedal, but an amp that moves in the absolute sweetspot - without your ears falling off. I always thought volume was the only way to the SRV sound. Apparently did not quite agree. If you turn back the guitar's volume pot, it will be pretty clear. There's nothing muddy, so it's really big fun. The Texas Flood harmonies perfectly with other pedals. I've got the Texas Flood stuck on my pedalboard with a Fulltone OCD, a Maxon 808 and I have to say, that's really the Stratsound I always wanted. I can hardly believe that I had to wait so long. I do not give away the Texas Flood anymore."
"You're the only one who managed to get that sound to the point. The S.R.V.isioniser isn't bad either, but the Texas Flood tops all of the boutique pedals I own, the sound is really incredible. I even have an 82 TS9, but the Texas Flood is better. Wait until the covid crisis is over, I will order an amp. Stay healthy !!!"
"Hi Stefan, I've tried your Texas Flood pedal yesterday night during a show. First impression, very cool sound !!! Immediatly great tone on my amp with a Strat. I'm very impressed! I will try it on my twin quickly. I've switched off all my other pedals. Only the Texas Flood, with a Fulltone wah and a univibe...top! Thanks a lot. Your pedal is great ! Merry christmas."
"I love this pedal! I do not sound like Stevie and I don't want to - I am Mitch. I rarely switch it off. It is just part of MY sound. Love it. Thank you!"

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